Class Descriptions


Hot Vinyasa Flow

Hot Vinyasa flow is a synchronized movement used to transition from one pose to another, usually referring to a transition between two different positions using the breath. This type of yoga is taught in a heated studio of about 105 degrees which makes it a rigorous and revitalizing form of physical fitness; because vinyasa focuses so much on the breath you will also receive a great meditative experience as well!

Yoga Sculpt

Yoga Sculpt is a fast, cardio based class. Your instructor will use dumbbell weights to demo, and you are welcome to bring your own dumbbells. We do offer a limited selection at the studio! Of course dumbbells are not necessary to take this class. This is a GREAT way to change up your practice!!

Beginners Non Hot Yoga

A great class focusing on the basics of yoga. Balance instructors will teach each asana slowly and precisely. Breaks and modifications are offered and encouraged. This class is wonderful for beginners but also anyone who wants to get back to basics.

Hot 26 and 2

Hot 26 and 2 is a class of 26 of poses each done twice, and it is the same 26 poses each time. This class is fantastic for those who would like to master 26 poses and truly see a difference in their practice. There are no down dogs, planks, or chatarangas, so great for wrist health. The room is at a toasty 105 degrees so you sweat and build tons of strength. Check it out!